Digital Broadcasters Vendor News has been informed that MediaCorp
HDTV, 3 months into its trial service in Singapore is another user of
Omneon Video Networks' Spectrum high definition (HD) server.
The mirrored system supports a total of six channels of broadcast
playout, via a terrestrial transmitter network covering the island
MediaCorp HDTV is the first broadcaster in Southeast Asia to
undertake such a trial.
Systems integrator, Ascent Media Network Services is handling the
technical installation for the MediaCorp HDTV trial project, which
was launched on September 1.
Yeo Kim Pow, SVP at MediaCorp said the Omeneon server features a
highly scalable architecture that will allow MediaCorp HDTV to
expand services when the time is right.
High definition programming content for MediaCorp HDTV focuses
mainly on documentary and entertainment material, is being ingested
from a tape machine via a Snell & Wilcox Memphis HD encoder.
The 50-Mbps of HD MPEG content is stored on the Omneon server system
with a QuickTime wrap around.
Harris D-Series automation controls the Omneon server system.
MediaCorp is Singapore's de facto state broadcaster that runs on
commercial lines for its complete range of media business activities:
TV, radio, entertainment productions, movie productions, newspapers,
magazines, electronic media, and other broadcasting services.
MediaCorp says its vision is to become one of Asia’s top media
companies by delivering valued content to the world.
Digital Broadcasters Vendor News notes that MediaCorp has one of best
self-promotion teams in the broadcast industry in Asia Pacific.